What is this?
Concert Board is a website for keeping track of concerts, logging your attendance, and sharing reviews. It's inspired by websites like Goodreads, Last.fm, and Letterboxd.
Who made this?
James did.
I found an issue. How can I report it?
You can email James. Thanks for helping improve the site!
I wish Concert Board could do X!
I probably do too! Here are some of the features that I&aposd like to build:
- Festival support
- Something like following/friending other users
- A way to differentiate between shows you're interested in and shows you're for-sure going to
- A way to prevent duplicate shows/venues from being added
If you feel strongly about any of these, let me know!
Setlists are provided by setlist.fm.
Music metadata
Miscellaneous music metadata is provided by MusicBrainz.
Concert Board uses the following fonts: